Week 7: The 5 senses

I’ve spent the last week focusing my mindfulness on my 5 senses. As an added challenge and to help keep myself in the moment, I decided to take at least 1 picture every day of something my senses were being extra mindful of. I figured it would be easy (I’m starting to sense a theme in this whole mindful thing. Note to self: stop assuming it will be easy.) because society has us so exposed to so many things throughout the day, that I thought I’d have tons of things to choose from to be mindful of. Instead I found that I’m exposed to so many things throughout the day that my senses go on overload and just try to shut it all out.

The hard part, I noticed, was stopping myself from “checking out” throughout the day. There were a couple days where I found I hit the end of the day and hadn’t taken a mindful picture yet. So I would think back to my day and I could think of a couple things that my senses picked up on – yummy food or good music. But in the moment I didn’t pay attention and it didn’t even phase me. My brain was in get-through-the-day mode and I simply bypassed an opportunity for a little joy, even just a smile, for a moment. It’s crazy to me how accustomed I have gotten to tuning out and ignoring some of the most beautiful things around me.

As the week went on though, I slowly started to feel it get easier and I started noticing a bit more of my surroundings. So here’s a bit of what my week looked, tasted, smelled, sounded and felt like.

Week 7, Day 1: Touch

Probably not the best quality picture I’ve ever taken, but this describes one of my favorite parts about my morning. After I get up, I let the dogs out of their kennels and we go snuggle on the couch while I drink my coffee. It takes a minute for us to get situated (maneuvering an 80-lbs. dog and a 30-lbs. dog on your lap while trying not to spill coffee is a bit tricky), but once we do I feel so warm and loved and happy. It makes it hard to get back up once my coffee is gone.


*Side note: Please ignore the shreds of what used to be dog toys on the floor. There is so much of that around our house that it doesn’t even phase me…until I look at a picture I’m about to publish for the world to see.

Week 7, Day 2: Hearing

I’m a *big* music fan. I always joke with people that I wish I could take music and inject it directly into my veins. (I’m dramatic, I know). Lately I’ve been on a big Imagine Dragons kick. My current jam is their song Thunder. It never fails to put me in a good mood.

Week 7, Day 3: Smell

I found this candle at Target. And it literally smells like fall in a jar. I’m obsessed.


Week 7, Day 4: Taste

Fun fact about my mom: she makes AMAZING food. I went and hung out with my family on Sunday and she made apple cinnamon waffles. They had shredded apples IN the waffle batter. It was delicious.


Week 7, Day 5: Sight

I previewed this picture in my last post. Ever since the weather finally started to cool down a bit, the sunrises have been BEAUTIFUL! So much color and depth that a picture doesn’t nearly do it justice. Fall sunrises are definitely my favorite.


Week 7, Day 6: Smell and Hearing

Having a fire in the fireplace is so cozy to me. A wood burning fireplace especially. I can smell it as soon as I get home and I love the crackling noises it makes. It definitely makes the colder weather more bearable.



Week 7, Day 7: Hearing and SightScreenshot_20171102-073504


I’ve become a big podcast listener, especially on my commute to and from work. The Lively Show has quickly become one of my favorite podcasts. It’s all about finding ways to add extra intention and purpose into your life. Plus, it’s been around for a while so I have TONS of old episodes to listen to.




And seriously though, these fall sunrises are stellar!

Yesterday marked the beginning of week 8. Initially, I thought I might just spend one week on the senses and move on from there, but I’ve decided that week 8 is going to still be focusing on the senses. I feel like I’m just starting to get the hang of zooming in on my senses and I think having another week to focus on that is a good thing. I’ll be back with more pictures next week! Stay tuned!